Here's my bullet journal setup for the month of June 2021.
Monsoon has started settling in, here in Pune and summer is on the verge of leaving. To honour this transition of season, I thought I'd choose a fresh green theme for the month of June.
Green is what I can see all around me: the mango tree right outside my window, all my little house plants, fresh grass sprouting up in every nook and corner it can!
That is why I thought that this theme would be appropriate. So let's dive right in!

June cover:
I started off with this postcard of a tropical Konkan setting that emulated the vibe I was going for perfectly.
I wrote out the word 'June' in a small, cursive font with my Camlin brush pen in the light green shade.
Goals page:
Right after the coverpage is the goals page where I'll be writing down my goals for the month and also breaking them down into small, doable steps.

Monthly log:
I do my monthly log in a calendar format since that's the most visually easy format for my brain to grasp. Plus its very convenient to see how the weeks are lined up, when a month starts, on what day it ends, etc.

Gratitude log:
The left spread is sort of a gratitude cue where I've enlisted various aspects of my life I can find gratitude in. The spread on the right is a regular gratitude log.
Habit tracker:
I made the individual trackers in the same layout as the monthly log so that its very easy for the eye to co-relate, without having to right down every single date in each tracker.
The four core habits I track every month are
Working out
Health tracker:
I track about 3-4 aspects related to my health and recently I've added a sleep tracker to this collection to document how I've been sleeping.

A few collections!
I added a few collections to my June monthly setup that'll house a lot of brainstorming work that has been brewing up in my brain. Putting all of these thoughts onto paper just brings things closer to reality.
The collections I made are:
Days in June - ideas to spend my days in June and the quality of life I want to experience this month
Save Ourselves brainstorm - a collection to write down plans, ideas, changes I have in mind with respect to this very blog
Life after graduation - I'll be graduating in a month's time and I have a few projects I want to get started on. This collection will house all the ideas I have for the next 3-4 month of my life.

These were all the spreads I made for my monthly setup for June 2021!
Hope this was useful for you in some way or the other.