DISCLAIMER : This blog post is meant to serve as an aid for the reader to help them figure out how to look at this scenario of the COVID 19 pandemic in an alternative light and give them solutions to use their time at home effectively. I am in no way trying to convey that this scenario is beneficial or useful in the bigger picture. I hope that you do not misinterpret my message. Thank you!
Its not very easy to stay at home for a long period of time without much social contact. Its especially difficult if you are not a homebody. I can totally understand that. But sometimes the only choice we have is to look at the situation from a different perspective.
So how do we look at this period of social distancing and working from home?
While this time at home is not fortunate in the bigger scenario, it is one of the most necessary preventive measures and has given us a few opportunities in disguise.
In my opinion, it makes sense to use this time to our advantage by doing things that are beneficial to our growth and may be of use for us in the short as well as the long run.
This time at home can be looked at as introspective and reflective, as a pause, as a transition to revert to a more wholesome, basic lifestyle.
What should this time be used for?
This time can be used for finding the balance between life and work. It can be used for rest and rejuvenation. While work and being occupied is healthy for our mind, it is also necessary to find time for rest and nourishment and let our body build up its immunity when we really need it to.
I'll be listing a few activities you can do to spend your time at home. I hope that you find the perfect balance for you and come out of this as a much stronger, healthier person with more refreshment and clarity.
Resetting our routines:
We form routines over a long period of time and we need to check if they are still efficiently working for us every once in a while. We can use this time to rest our routines and tailor them to our individual needs without being bothered by external factors for a while.
If you’re a student, like me, it is important for us to keep up with our academics and continue learning and educating ourselves. Use this time to really find out what are the most productive hours of the day for you and take advantage of the privilege to be able to work those hours for the time being.
Rest and rejuvenation:
There’s no better time for us to be working on improving out immune systems. Use this time to rest and nourish your body and mind. Take a good break and find that balance between working and resting. We each have our ratios, figure out yours. Eat good healthy food at home and nourish your body. Sleep, food, hydration and hygiene – get those right, now is the time.
Restarting old good habits:
We all sacrificed at least a few habits to our busy lifestyles- habits that we wanted to build for our health and wellbeing or simply for fulfillment. Whatever the case, now is a good opportunity to make a game plan to get back to those habits and start incorporating them in our routines. When we return to our routines, we’ll be able to find it simpler to continue with those habits.
What can we invest our time in?
Here is a list of a few things off the top of my head that you can do to make good use of your time at home:
1. Read a lot of books
2. Draw/ paint/ sketch
3. Complete pending work/ school related tasks
4. Catch up with your chores such as laundry/ dishes
5. Cook something new and healthy
6. Organise your closet
7. Clean one area of your home everyday
8. Learn a new skill
9. Go back to an old hobby
10. Look through old pictures
11. Delete unwanted pictures and documents from your devices
12. Connect with loved ones digitally
13. Create content for your social media platforms
14. Start bullet journaling
15. Try keeping a diary/ journal for all your days spent at home
16. Watch a good movie/ TV show – any kind of ‘feel good’ content
17. Listen to a new music album everyday
18. Exercise/ work out at home
19. Play games/ catch up with the people you’re living with
20. Get things done for your future self